Company profile displayed on the RenewableUK App
Log into the RenewableUK App to update your company profile. When completed the company logo, description and contact information will be displayed on the app and event website. A link will be emailed to you directly from the app.
Please find the exhibitor online profile instructions here. Note, emails will be from; please add to your contact list to avoid any emails going to spam.
Deadline: 5 May
Challenge our team to build you a package that can include thought leadership, high impact branding and targeted messaging. Details will be available here soon.
Elizabeth Conboy, Commercial Director
Tel: +44 (0)7915 674046
Advertise in the Official reNEWS Live@ Global Offshore Wind 2025 (Daily Conference Coverage)
Looking to increase footfall to your stand, raise your profile and promote your products and services to the industry? An advert in the reNEWS Live@ Global Offshore Wind 2025 show dailies connects you directly to thousands of industry professionals. The two fully digital issues will be sent to all event delegates and reNEWS’ c.7,500 subscribers, as well as being available on the reNEWS website, LinkedIn, and GOW25 event site to download for free.
Booking & Artwork Deadline: 10 June
The Toolkit of show logos and social media banners can be downloaded from the HUB.
General social media handles are:
RenewableUK Twitter:
Event Hashtag: #RUKGOW25
Reply: @RUKEvents
Invite your colleagues and guests to Global Offshore Wind.
Visit the Exhibitor HUB to send the invitations.
The official exhibitors' networking drinks reception will take place on 17 June from 17:00. It will be held within the catering area of the exhibition hall. No other receptions are permitted during this time.